Analytical Instruments is a cluster of companies that supply equipment such as gas and high-pressure liquid chromatography, UV/VIS, infrared, atomic absorption and organic mass spectrometry, ICP and ICP/MS.

Statistical Analytical Instruments

Within this cluster, economic market research is conducted. Each year, the turnover data is provided by the participants to the accountant and totaled. The figures are discussed during an annual cluster meeting. This research covers both the Dutch and Belgian markets.

Lab Analysis event

The LabAnalyse event is all about knowledge exchange on current analysis methods in various laboratories. This is done through the conference program, guided tours and the information market with leading suppliers of analysis equipment, reagents, lab supplies and other analysis products.

This event takes place every two years at various inspiring locations.


The new LabNL trade fair showcases the latest technologies, innovations, solutions and tools for the laboratory. A wide range of companies, from lab furnishings and equipment to analytical and optical instruments, chemicals, lab automation and life science solutions, are represented here.

World of Science

World of Industry, Technology & Science
World of Industry, Technology & Science (WoTS) consists of three worlds: World of Laboratory, World of Industry and World of Electronics. Each world has its own identity, seminar programme and exhibition projects, and focuses on specific target groups. During the World of Laboratory, around 150 exhibitors from the laboratory technology sector present their innovations, knowledge and product developments. Through seminars, exhibition projects and other activities, visitors are informed and inspired by new developments and innovations.
World of Laboratory
FHI, federatie van technologiebranches