Tender reporting center

What is the tender reporting point?

With the tender reporting center we collect questions, complaints, comments and problems that members experience with upcoming or ongoing tenders and other purchasing procedures. If we receive many of the same reports, we can join forces and mediate as a collective.

Why a reporting point?

When we receive a question, we consult with the member company. We support with knowledge, expertise or referrals. We often only find out afterwards that several members are struggling with the same problems within a tender. With this reporting point we can respond, support and answer questions faster and more flexibly. It is also more advantageous to litigate collectively.

What can you report?

All questions, comments, problems or complaints about tenders, such as:

  • The cutlery
  • The award requirements
  • The size of the assignment
  • The reasonableness of the question

What happens after your report?

We regularly analyze and interpret the information received. If necessary, we will take action. Think of:

  • Enter into discussions with contracting parties or purchasing organizations
  • Conducting negotiations
  • In extreme cases, we will initiate collective legal proceedings
  • You may inform us of possible desired actions. We will always inform you of the steps taken.

NB: we do not take immediate action when we receive a complaint, unless explicitly requested to do so. When multiple member companies make the same reports, we will contact you to discuss possible follow-up steps.


Secrecy is guaranteed. No information from an individual member is shared with any other member or third party.

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FHI, federatie van technologiebranches