Electrometric BV

Electrometric is a well established and trusted provider of test and measurement equipment, systems, custom solutions and service in the following domains:
- AC and DC Power
- Electrical Safety
- Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
- General T&M
- Oscilloscopes
- RF and Microwave
- SatCom
We started� our activities in 1999 as emv Benelux BV In 2008 we became part of AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation and emv was renamed into Electrometric BV AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation (formerly Amplifier Research) was founded in 1969 and is a worldwide market leader for RF & Microwave broadband amplifiers and EMC equipment. In 2023 the subsidiary became independent and was named Electrometric.
Electrometric BV
Francelaan 7
2391PX Hazerswoude village
Tel: 0172423000
Hugo Landman
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