FHI, Federation of Technology Industries

About FHI
Discover FHI, the powerful collective of technology companies in the Netherlands. The federation represents technological sectors such as industrial electronics, building automation, industrial automation and laboratory technology, which together form a strong network.
As a federation of technology industries, FHI focuses on collective marketing, individual services and advocacy for more than 650 member companies. The trade associations unite companies, suppliers of products and services for industry, research and science. As a trade association, we organize various events such as conferences, seminars, workshops and trade fairs, where industry professionals come together to share knowledge, network and explore new business opportunities. These events provide a valuable platform for discussing the latest technological trends and innovations within the industry. Each member benefits from the activities thanks to clusters in which similar companies organize themselves.
As a member of an FHI branch, you are part of a network of technology entrepreneurs, where knowledge and expertise come together. Here you share knowledge online, within clusters, during workshops, network meetings and events, where you are never alone in a changing environment.
The history of FHI goes back to 1956, when Van Drunen and De Koning founded the cooperative association 'Het Instrument'. Their main goal was to organize a trade fair for suppliers of laboratory equipment, started from an attic room. In 1970, the association moved to its own office in Soest. The trade fair then moved to the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht in 1988.
In 1991, the cooperative association was transformed into Federatie Het Instrument, and later in the nineties it became known as FHI, the federation of technology branches. From that moment on, the office evolved from a purely trade fair organization to a broad industry organization. During this period, the federation moved from the organization office in Soest to Amersfoort due to lack of space.
The new millennium brought new highlights for FHI. In 2004, the one millionth visitor was welcomed at the Het Instrument trade fair, and on April 6, 2021, FHI celebrated its 65th anniversary. FHI has been located in Leusden since September 2008. Through the collaboration with FEDA, Het Instrument was renamed World of Technology & Science in 2014. In addition, FHI organizes the Electronics & Applications and LabNL trade fairs in odd years, and around thirty events are held each year.
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