Lab recycling is the purchasing channel for new and used chromatography equipment and reused:


Give your old chromatography equipment a second chance





We buy used second-hand chromatography equipment and instruments. These instruments are checked and reused (refurbished, overhauled).

Many of these analytical systems go to developing countries, where they are used in: hospitals, universities, research centres, water and food laboratories, among others.

Our goal:

Lab recycling gives your chromatography equipment a second life

Give our children a green and healthy future.


Live on a planet where resources are used sustainably.

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Want to know more about Labrecycling? Click on the image above.


Lab recycling Oostering 38 38 7933 TM Pesse Tel: +316 141 22 525 Mr. de Jonge
FHI, federatie van technologiebranches