Who are we

Liad Electronics Breda, al meer dan 25 jaar uw partner in de Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) industrie. Gespecialiseerd in het assembleren van printpanelen voor verscheidene industrieën in Europa. Wij ontzorgen onze klanten gedurende de volledige levenscyclus van hun producten.

Meeting our customers' wishes in terms of delivery time and quality is our mission.

What do we do

Wij produceren met een hoge automatiseringsgraad kleine tot middelgrote series met als onderscheidend vermogen flexibility, diversity, complexity, quality and lead time in combination with an excellent price/quality ratio.

How we work

Despite the high degree of automation, the work remains for qualified experts, Liad Electronics Breda has these in-house: from assembling to testing the product, for purchasing components to quality assurance.


Liad Electronics Breda BV Branch biters 68 4817BL Breda Tel: 076 - 572 21 44 Rick Meesters
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