Mitsubishi Electric Europe

With 100 years of experience in delivering high-quality, reliable products, Mitsubishi Electric is a recognized global leader in the manufacture, marketing and sales of electrical and electronic equipment for use in ICT, space and satellite communications, consumer electronics, manufacturing, energy, transportation, buildings and HCAV technologies.
In lijn met de bedrijfsfilosofie ‘Changes for the Better’ en de duurzaamheidsverklaring ‘Eco Changes’, streeft Mitsubishi Electric ernaar om een toonaangevend, wereldwijd groen bedrijf te zijn dat de samenleving verrijkt met technologie.
With approximately 146,500 employees, the company achieved consolidated sales of US$40.9 billion* in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020.
Our sales offices, R&D centers and production sites can be found in more than 30 countries.
Factory Automation – European Business Group
Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V., Factory Automation - European Business Group (FA-EBG) heeft haar Europese hoofdkantoor in Ratingen bij Düsseldorf. Het is onderdeel van Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V., een 100 % dochteronderneming van Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan.
FA-EBG provides sales, service and support throughout the EMEA region through its network of local offices and distributors.
* Exchange rate 109 Yen = 1 US Dollar; as of 31.03.2020 (Source: Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market).