Specialist in decentralized automation technology

Murrelektronik is a leading company in the development and manufacture of decentralized automation technology for machines and systems. We focus on four core areas: power supply, interfaces, connection cables and IO systems.

Our innovative quality products, our distinct focus on the customer and the market are unique. Our solutions make your machines and installations better. Those who invest in Murrelektronik will gain a better market position.

Come visit our stand Hall 11 Stand E008 and we will be happy to inform you about our highlights:


-> IO-Link   
Are these your first steps in digitalization? Or do you want a universal installation system or future-proof IIoT concept? The Murrelektronik IO-Link system is always the best choice - flexible and independent. A system made especially for you.
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Murrelektronik's MVK Fusion fieldbus module offers you the opportunity to standardize modular processes and enables a one-module strategy.

The PROFINET/PROFIsafe module combines three basic functions of installation technology:
* Digital standard sensors and actuators
* Digital safety sensors and actuators
* IO-Link

This combination is new and innovative. Thanks to this system, unique and groundbreaking automation concepts can be realized. Installation becomes easier and faster.
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-> Decentralized installation for mobile machines
Murrelektronik biedt ook automatisering in modder, regen, vuil, stof… Met xtremeDB introduceert Murrelektronik een volledig nieuw modulair systeem voor de installatietechniek binnen mobiele machines, zoals oogstmachines, strooiwagens, brandweerauto’s of asfalteermachines. Dankzij deze moderne installatieoplossingen kunnen de uitdagingen in IO-installaties gemakkelijk gepareerd worden.
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-> Vario-X - decentralized automation platform without control cabinet
Vario-X from Murrelektronik is the first automation platform that brings sensors and actuators to the field decentrally and without a control cabinet. The automation platform is highly flexible, modular and enables manufacturer-independent integration. Vario-X thus offers a solution for the most pressing problems in automation:

? the shortage of skilled workers
? increasing digitalization
? shorter development cycles
? sustainability

Er is 75% minder bekabeling nodig en is 40% sneller geïnstalleerd dan standaard in de schakelkast. Geniaal in al zijn eenvoud. Modulair. Toekomstbestendig in ieder facet. Zo simpel is het.
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-> Decentralized installation for logistics
Murrelektronik heeft krachtige en kostenefficiënte systeemoplossingen voor de integratie van  industriële beeldverwerkingssystemen ontwikkeld.
Benefits include minimal installation effort due to decentralized, pluggable modules that can be mounted directly to the machine.
Click here for more product information >>



Come visit our stand and experience it yourself.
Hall 11, stand E008


Murrelektronik BV Branch Biters 3 4817BL Breda Tel: 0852220282 Gert van Dam
Visit the website
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