Persy Control Services for total care
of your Building Management System

Building automation, making technical installations transparent and manageable requires specific knowledge within each industry. From education to pharmacy and from healthcare to space travel: PCS has been your reliable partner for implementing, migrating and innovating building-related automation installations for every living and working environment since 1999.

Our technical specialists in the field of digital measurement, control and management technology are happy to assist you with advice, design, realization and/or maintenance. With well-considered technical total solutions we deliver your project and if desired we maintain or monitor the installations to guarantee optimal business operations at manageable costs (TCO).

Gebouwautomatisering gaat verder dan klimaattechniek alleen en neemt steeds vaker een centrale positie in binnen de systeemintegratie van brandmelding, beveiliging (inbraak en camera), verlichting en energie monitoring systemen. PCS levert hiervoor toonaangevende systemen welke het mogelijk maakt om alle benodigde informatie real-time tot uw beschikking te stellen om gestructureerd beheer en opvolging mogelijk te maken. Daarnaast levert de innovatie dochteronderneming IQPS-Smartbuildings het integratie platform voor indoor positie, smart use-cases en cloud oplossingen.

Persy Control Services is uitgeroepen door Siemens tot de Europa’s meest innovatieve Siemens Solution Partner.


PCS Daltonstraat 12 3335LR Zwijndrecht Tel: 0786822522 Paul Persy
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