Scala Scientific BV

Wij zijn een gevestigde naam in Nederland, België en Duitsland als leverancier van laboratorium apparatuur voor bereiding en opslag van samples. En voor het
safe and sterile working with samples. The quality of our laboratory equipment is excellent and our service is remarkably good.
Our advice is there to make every scientific wish come true. We really think along with you. Our very experienced technicians will of course relieve you from A to Z with the delivery and installation of equipment. With the help of monitoring and annual preventive maintenance, we then keep your equipment in optimum condition. In the event of malfunctions, we are also available 24 hours a day,
ready for you 7 days a week. That is how Scala Scientific enables you to continue to focus on what each
laboratory is intended and what scientists everywhere work on: sound research that matters.
Scala Scientific, Striking in service
Our delivery package includes the following products:
- Ultra Low Temperature vriezers (-86ºC)
- Laboratory refrigerators and freezers,
- (CO2) incubators & ovens
- Freeze dryers - Centrifuges
- Gloveboxes, Isolators & Anaerobic Workstations
- Biological safety workbenches & flow cabinets
- Water baths & thermostats
- Laboratory dishwashers
- Pipettes
- Wireless Monitoring & Alarm Systems