We are Smart-in-Control , onderdeel van euro HÜBNER benelux bv: Your specialist for technical solutions

We have made a nice selection of all the products that our suppliers offer. These products reinforce each other in the issues we encounter in practice. Because we are continuously expanding our knowledge, we can recommend first and in practical issues. If we don't have an immediate answer, we will look for the best solution. We have many products in stock in our warehouse in Venlo , which allows us to deliver quickly.
De producten die we in ons assortiment hebben, zijn allemaal van markt leidende fabrikanten en deze hebben we grofweg ingedeeld in verschillende categorieën:

    • Baumer Thalheim: Measuring and monitoring speeds & angular displacement of shafts
    • Motrona: Safety, Motion, Control and Interface equipment
    • Elgo: Stand-alone & geïntegreerde meet- en positioneersystemen
    • FMS: Krachtmeetsystemen, baankantsturing, versterkers & regelaars      
    • B-Command: Slip rings, cross switches, joysticks (also wireless), cam switches, foot switches
    • Nanhua-Europe: LED lighting and signaling, communication equipment
    • Shimpo: Measuring instruments
    • ABP Antriebstechnik: Koppelingen, meetwielen, flenzen en hoekaandrijvingen 

We have solutions specifically for the manufacturing industry that ensure that production costs are reduced and quality is increased. Dit kan door het slim inzetten van een enkel component of door een geïntegreerde samenstelling van een aantal producten. Smart-in-Control is therefore not just a components supplier , but also a system integrator and co-engineer for the manufacturing industry . Dankzij onze lange ervaring verdeeld over diverse industrieën hebben wij een kant-en-klare of een op maat gemaakte oplossing. This can be a stand-alone solution, but we can also integrate into the existing machine control.

In addition, we can assist with the upgrade of existing machines. For example, by increasing quality through improved accuracy, or reducing the failure rate, but also by increasing safety (even up to SIL 3 PLe level). Also with smart solutions, such as good and safe machine lighting or energy-efficient and sustainable products , we know what to do. We not only have the associated signaling and/or communication equipment in our portfolio, we can also make extensive recommendations in this regard. En natuurlijk zijn wij, vanaf het begin van ons bestaan, uitermate goed thuis in de encoders en hun applicaties! 



Smart in Control, een onderdeel van Euro HÜBNER Benelux B.V. Parlevinkerweg 44 5928 NV Venlo Tel: 0475406506 Berend the Younger
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FHI, federatie van technologiebranches