An independent producer

The advantage of a specialist

Socomec is in 1922 opgericht en is een industriële organisatie met 3100 medewerkers.
Our main activities - availability, management and safety of low-voltage networks with emphasis on the power needs of our customers.

Culture of independence

The independence of the Socomec Group allows it to maintain control over its own decision-making processes, while taking into account the values of its shareholders and employees.
Socomec heeft ongeveer 30 dochterondernemingen die verspreid zijn over de vijf continenten. De groep blijft zich internationaal ontwikkelen door zich te richten op industriële toepassingen en servicetoepassingen, waarbij de kwaliteit van de kennis het grote verschil uitmaakt.

The spirit of innovation

As an undisputed specialist in UPS systems, power switchover, power conversion and measurements, Socomec spends approximately 10% of its turnover on research and development.
Hierdoor kan de groep de ambitie waarmaken om zijn concurrenten altijd een stap vóór te zijn op technologisch gebied.

A specialist's vision

As a manufacturer with full control over its technical processes, Socomec distinguishes itself from other service providers.
The Group continuously strives to improve its knowledge so that it can offer its customers increasingly better adapted and suitable solutions.

Flexible production structure

De groep heeft vestigingen in twee belangrijke Europese productiecentra (Frankrijk en Italië) en concurrerende productielocaties in Tunesië en in de belangrijkste opkomende markten (India en China).
These locations operate systems that strive for continuous improvement based on Lean Management principles. They can deliver high levels of quality and meet the deadlines and cost requirements that customers expect of them.

Focus on delivering service

Our production expertise is the basis for a complete range of services that are useful in the research, implementation and operation of our solutions.
Our service teams have built a reputation for support, flexibility and responsiveness.

Responsible growth

As a group, Socomec is open to all cultures, strives to respect human values and encourages employee initiative and involvement.
Working relationships are based on partnership and respect for ethical principles.
In its quest for harmonious and sustainable development, Socomec assumes its full responsibility towards shareholders, employees, customers and partners, society and the environment.
Socomec has been a signatory to the Global Compact since 2003.


Socomec BV Pusher boat 13 3991CD Wooden Tel: +31 (0)30 760 0900 Stefano Aru
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