The Indispensable Fair for the Laboratory Sector

From September 24, you can visit the 150 exhibitors of World of Laboratory for the latest technologies, innovations and solutions for laboratories. From lab furnishings to analytical instruments, lab automation, chemicals and life science solutions, this fair features a wide range of companies active in the laboratory sector. The extensive lecture program highlights current themes and provides practical information on essential topics such as safety and quality. By participating in an X-pedition you get an overview of the latest trends and developments in specific fields.

Come visit and discover what the future of laboratories has to offer!

Programma Analyse technieken

Date Subject
Tuesday September 24th 13.00 – 14.00 Smart freeze drying – why vacuum matters Workshop
Wednesday September 25 10.00 – 11.30 Mobiele analyse technieken Seminar

Workshop Smart freeze drying – why vacuum matters

Freeze-drying is carried out from the solid (ice) state and is the method of choice for the long-term stable preservation of a wide variety of materials or for sample preparation for modern analysis techniques.
The transition from the frozen state to the gaseous state in a high vacuum is the basic principle of freeze-drying (sublimation) and, as a very gentle drying method, nothing can replace it. The lecture will explain the procedural background of freeze-drying on the one hand and the process-relevant control parameters for reproducible results on the other. Some practical examples will be presented.
This session will be given by SALM EN KIPP.

Seminar mobiele analyse technieken

Het laboratorium digitaliseert. Meetapparatuur wordt compacter en met de komst van cloudbased werken zien we een verschuiving van analyse op het lab naar analyse op locatie. Dergelijke mobiele analysemethoden worden al toegepast in voedselveiligheid en forensisch onderzoek, maar kent ook tal van andere toepassingsgebieden.

Tijdens het seminar mobiele analysemethoden vertellen drie sprekers uit verschillende vakgebieden hoe zij hun monsters buiten het lab analyseren en welke technologieën ze daarbij gebruiken.

FHI, federatie van technologiebranches