Acal BFi Netherlands

Acal BFi helps (high tech) companies and (semi) governments with advice, design and delivery of electronic components and systems. We do this together with our producing sister companies such as Myrra, Noratel and Variohm and partners such as Sierra Wireless, Keysight, FLIR and Advanced Energy.
Met zo’n 600 medewerkers verspreid over productielocaties en kantoren in 11 Europese landen helpen wij engineers naar tevredenheid die werkzaam zijn in de (maak)industrie, high tech, elektronica ontwikkeling en (semi) overheden zoals universiteiten en onderzoekslabs. Bedrijven en overheden kunnen dankzij ons hun meest innovatieve oplossing snel en tegen de beste kostprijs aan hun eindklant leveren. Ons moederbedrijf DiscoverIE is beursgenoteerd aan de London Stock Exchange.
Video impression of the parent company DiscoverIE, Acal BFi and its producing sister companies:

Our specialisms
Test and Measurement | Imaging |
IoT, M2M, Wireless | Photonics |
RF and Frequency Control | Fiber Optics |
Sensors | Cables and Connectors |
Magnetics | Embedded Computing |
Power | Semiconductors |
In 2020 we participated in the following digital event at FHI:
- RF Technology event "Test Challenges for Massive MIMO and Beamforming in Wireless Communications and Radar Systems".
Click here om de replay te bekijken.
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