
How safely do you work? That is the question we hope you can answer after the seminar and the X-pedition. Are you working as safely as you thought or is there room for improvement?
Three experts will tell you from their field of expertise how to improve safety in the lab. During this seminar it will become clear why it is so important to work safely in the laboratory and what risks are involved.

Program safety

Date Subject Location
Tuesday September 24th 10.00 – 11.30 How safely do you work? Seminar Croese room
Tuesday September 24th 11.15 – 12.15 Effective decontamination in a new way Workshop Fleming Seminar Room hall 7
Thursday September 26 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Discover the secrets of safety Workshop Fleming Seminar Room hall 7
September 24 to 27 Continuous How safely do you work? Xpedition hall 7

X-pedition: How Safely Do You Work?

Are you aware of the latest ways to work safely in the lab? During the X-pedition 'How Safely Do You Work?' you will learn practically about harmful noise, safe disposal of toxic waste, good ventilation and recognizing dangerous situations.

Harmful Noise Equipment such as grinders and mixers can produce harmful noise levels. Avans+ shows you how to assess and protect these levels.

Awareness of Risks Accidents can happen anywhere. At the DENIOS stand you will discover how to recognize and prevent unsafe situations.

Ventilation Good ventilation is essential. Dupa shows you how custom-made carbon filters capture harmful fumes and monitor air quality.

Waste management SALM EN KIPP explains how to safely dispose of toxic and infectious waste, in accordance with legislation and regulations.

Safety workbench The Baker Company provides tips for working really safely with microbiological safety benches.

Safe Behavior With VOS instruments you learn how to make safe behavior in the lab self-evident.

Each position asks you a question. Complete the X-pedition and receive a gift and a certificate.

The Indispensable Fair for the Laboratory Sector

From September 24, you can visit the 150 exhibitors of World of Laboratory for the latest technologies, innovations and solutions for laboratories. From lab furnishings to analytical instruments, lab automation, chemicals and life science solutions, this fair features a wide range of companies active in the laboratory sector. The extensive lecture program highlights current themes and provides practical information on essential topics such as safety and quality. By participating in an X-pedition you get an overview of the latest trends and developments in specific fields.

Come visit and discover what the future of laboratories has to offer.

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