World of Industry
The impact of autonomous operations in the process industry
September 24, 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
LOCATION: Thomson Seminar Room in World of Industry (Hall 8)
Industrial end users (asset owners), suppliers and trade fair visitors will discuss the subject of Autonomous Operations during an interactive panel discussion. With all the developments and challenges in the market, the starting point of this session is: What is possible. A moderator will interact with the audience using questions and statements. The following topics will be discussed:
- Trends that move us: Dennis Klok uses a number of key figures and trends to indicate the challenges that are playing a role in the landscape of the process industry. These include ageing, the labour market, the investment climate, legislation and regulations and education and training.
- People who make this possible: The moderator guides the discussion from trends and developments to the people who will have to make Autonomous Operations possible. What role does Generation Z play in this theme? Will the current functions still be sufficient? Can we train and educate our current staff? Will there perhaps be completely new functions in 2035 that do not yet exist today?
- Technologies that support this: We will discuss the technologies that will enable Autonomous Operations. What role does the audience think Autonomous Operations will play in the industry? We will bring the session to topics such as AI, AR and VR, robotization, the connection between IT and OT, but also think about the willingness of asset owners to open source code: Sharing their recipe.
Panel Members:
- Johan Ike, Technical Consultant WIB and Industrial Process Control expert.
- Jasper Rutten, Digital Manufacturing Manager Huntsman and WIB member
- Ruud Litjens, Regional Process Control and Automation Engineer Cargill and WIB member
- Dennis Klok, Manager Customer Success at ATS Applied Tech Systems BV