Pedak meettechniek

The Optris Microscope optics are ideal for thermal analysis of circuit boards and macro shots of components. The high-quality thermal and geometric resolution of the infrared cameras allows precise testing of electronic products. The new MO2X optics with 2x magnification enable infrared imaging of complex structures, with a thermal resolution of 80 mK. Objects as small as 34 µm can be measured, and the optics focus at a 15 mm distance. The flexible system, with easily exchangeable optics, includes a high-quality micro scope stand for easy inspection of microelectronic assemblies.

Logic Technology – Exein Runtime

Exein runtime is een holistische beveiligingsoplossing voor embedded en IoT apparaten. Exein runtime is de eerste commerciële op eBPF gebaseerde runtimebeveiliging voor embedded en IoT apparaten ter wereld. eBPF is een technologie die het mogelijk maakt om deterministisch programma’s uit te voeren in een geprivilegieerde context, zoals in de kernel van het besturingssysteem.

Exein runtime maakt gebruik van on-device machine learning en AI om maximale beveiliging te waarborgen zonder verlies van performance. Door de oplossing van Exein te gebruiken wordt er real time bescherming tegen bedreigingen zoals malware, buffer overflows en code-injecties gecreëerd.

Exein runtime is een onmisbare schakel in de keten om producten te kunnen certificeren conform de EU Cyber Resilience Act. Kortom; een innovatie die de samenleving veiliger, betrouwbaarder en wendbaarder maakt.

HMS Industrial Networks B.V. – Remote Functional Safety communication solution for multi-systems integration

Interoperable and flexible automated solutions drive industry growth. Mobile machines, integral to automated environments, meet evolving user demands. Logistic systems increasingly rely on automation, blurring lines between machines and operators. Worker safety is paramount in human-machine collaboration, reflected in updated EU regulations. The latest EU machinery directive emphasizes CE certification for all solutions, with notable additions for mobile machines (AGVs), ensuring secure remote supervision and control. Changes in the directive cascade through related standards, highlighting the dynamic nature of compliance. In this shifting landscape, adaptability is key for industry players.
Amidst this transformation, the HMS Networks remote safe stop system emerges as a proactive communication solution, addressing the demand for seamless integration across diverse systems. Its relevance amplifies within logistics and material handling, where worker-machine synergy is pivotal, necessitating responsive regulatory frameworks.

Rohde & Schwarz Benelux – MXO 58C


Do you work in particle or quantum physics or other another area that needs oscilloscope/digitizer measurements? The MXO 58C has eight inputs in a compact form with minimal audible noise and can work standalone on a bench or in a rack.
Do you need lots of channels to monitor test signals? Combine multiple MXO 5C units for a solution with superior channel density.

The MXO 58C fast measurement speeds for production testing.
Automated measurements can be made quickly and precisely.
Develop your R&D tests in the lab with an MXO 58C connected to an external display. Then, move the tests into the manufacturing process with a low-profile MXO 58C in a rack. The instrument also contains an integrated ARB if test signals are needed. Use the e-ink front panel display to check the instrument status or IP address. The integrated web server offers remote access via an IP address.

Do you need rackmount equipment for testing? With small two height units, the MXO 58C is the better choice for rack applications than an oscilloscope with a display that may take six to eight height units. Interact with the instrument simply over LAN with SCPI commands or via a built-in web server. If ever needed, you can always connect an external display via HDMI™ or DisplayPort to access the oscilloscope locally.

A&C Solutions – Delta Force GT

De Delta Force GT serie is een complete din-rail serie met een ultra compact design en een hoge efficiëntie. Deze duurzame serie is verder uitgerust met veercontacten en heeft bovendien een DC-ingangsfunctie geïmplementeerd in de eenfasige modellen, die zowel schroef- als veercontacten ondersteunen.

A&C Solutions – Ilme AXYR® inserts

De nieuwe ILME AXYR®-inserts bieden een zeer compacte veerklem aansluiting. Deze is gelijk aan krimpconnectoren met hoge dichtheid maar bij de ILME AXYR®-inserts is er geen speciale krimptool nodig en blijft de elektrische verbinding zeer goed behouden.

Texim Europe & TFT Solutions – Holographic Touchscreen PC

Evolutionary Touchless Solution

The HoloTouch is a significant advancement in holographic display technology for human-machine interfaces. It integrates a holographic display with a touch sensor, enabling touchless, -in the air- interactions with a machine/ device. This makes HoloTouch vandal-proof and ideal for use in hygienic environments or situations where machine operators wear thick gloves.

The HoloTouch is versatile and meant to be used in many applications, including ATMs, self-checkout or point of sales terminals, clean rooms and operation rooms. All with focus on security (due to the privacy filter), hygiene (because of the no-touch interface) and comfort of use, it’s set to transform the way we interact with our environment, one gesture at a time.
TFT Solutions

INGUN Prüfmittelbau GmbH – SleeveProbe™

SleeveProbe™ is a flexible test probe that offers completely new possibilities for test applications. It is the first and only test solution for 360° contacting.

Alternative electronics like flexible, soft or 3D electronics, are popping up more frequently. Our SleeveProbe™ technology enables the testing of these new types of electronics, also allowing mixed contact orientation.

In addition, there is no need for wiring, which saves a lot of time, especially in test applications with less than 50Mil grid size.

HMS Industrial Networks – Anybus Wireless Bolt 5G

The Anybus Wireless Bolt 5G connects industrial devices and machines to 5G networks, enabling low latency, high throughput, and high reliability. Combined with the Anybus Tunnel Gateway, it enables communication on PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, or Modbus TCP networks over 5G. Its bolt-on form factor with IP67 protection facilitates versatile deployment.
Key to its functionality is the industrial ethernet tunnel capability, enabling essential functions like PROFINET operation over 5G networks by bridging layer 2 and layer 3 communications. This ensures low latency and reliable performance tailored for industrial environments, optimized for the capabilities of 5G technology.
Installation is simplified with a standard M50 hole mount, integrating antennas and communication modules into a compact design that eliminates the need for additional accessories. Built-in antennas are strategically positioned for optimal coverage, enhancing reliability in challenging conditions supported by industrial-grade components and IP67 protection.
The device offers user-friendly configuration via a web-based interface, allowing intuitive setup, live data analysis, and efficient troubleshooting through drag-and-drop functionality. When paired with the Anybus Tunnel Gateway, it facilitates centralized control of factory systems, enhancing operational efficiency and control.

World of Electronics
Vanaf 24 september kun je bij de 100 exposanten van World of Electronics terecht voor de nieuwste technologieën, innovaties en oplossingen op het gebied van elektronica (hardware, software, Test & meet, ontwikkeling en productie). Deze exposanten tonen hun innovaties, delen hun kennis en gaan graag met je in gesprek over jouw vraagstukken. Een bezoek aan World of Electronics levert je veel waardevolle contacten, kennis en inspiratie op. Zorg dat jouw kennis weer actueel is met het seminarprogramma. Bezoek ook de themapaviljoens voor een oplossing voor jouw vraagstuk. Dit jaar zijn dat het Test & Meet paviljoen en het Development paviljoen waar exposanten hun krachten bundelen en jouw terplekke helpen.
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